Monday, April 7, 2008

Working #2

Generally, I've get used with all the work I have in hand in the office already. Just there's 1 of the work which really irritates me when it occurred. That is matching the amount of the stocks in hand with the system... It never happens to be smooth even for once.
Let's take it by monthly. By January, I've lost count on 2 cans of GreenTea which cost me RM38.00 each. That's RM76.00, but luckily the kind hearted distributor returned it back since she found 2 extra can of GreenTea in her stock.
By Febuary, I've lost count of a box of PhytoGreen(whatever it is), which cost me RM88.00. Not so lucky this time for all the invidence have disadvantages for me. So I have to bear it. Gah!!Lastly by March, just checked this morning, I've lost count on 4 boxes of PhytoFiber which cost me RM68.00 each. Wah~!! That makes it RM272.00!! I'll have a better check by tomorrow.
The pity me only earn RM800.00 a month, if I keep doing this it'll really kill me.
By the way, the pictures that i had promised... just 2 of them though...

2 chicken(s) caught:

商者 said...

just think those lost is the study fee u pass up to the company..learn throught mistake....^^
by the way ..few hundred buck is far more less than a colloge fee few thousand ringgit ^^.....
think like that and you get even...

Benjamin said...

It's very nice of u to say that...
Thanks~ =P