The singing session was normal and nothing to talk about. And Eddy somehow make the situation hot by flashing out his brand new K810i and started to take photo with each others.
The Group 1 Leader Duo (o5/06 & 06/07)
The Sohem Trio
Wah! Ape bende tu? Haha, FeiShan rupanya...
NeeJian SS himself?
Unfortunately, I have to leave earlier for I have promised to have lunch with my family befre sending my bro back to PJ. Meanwhile, they still keep rocking!
Was intend to have lunch at Denny Partners but they were close today. So we have it at Don Kaiten. Then sent my bro back to PJ. Went to PasarMalam by night and having night tea with JuinGiap, Jason, & LiPeng at Biz Cafe. Back home blogging and there gone the Labor day 2008.
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