Sunday, May 4, 2008

An Earlier Birthday Celebration for BoonKiat

Been exicted for the past 2 days after knowing another karaoke activity has been oraganized which to be held at GreenBox Klang as the early celebration of BoonKiat's birthday. The main organizer was a new found friend named Angel which officially introduced to me by Wilson. To make the celebration to be more suprising, I've been told not to expose the secret plan to BoonKiat but since the event already over I think I can share it here. The role that I play in this plan wasn't big, just have to wait Sam to fetch me there after my working hour meanwhile make a fake call trying to ask BoonKiat out for the usual DotA 3 hours marathorn. Sorry to BoonKiat for doing that, please forgive me. With Jagy, ChoonHuat, Wilson, Jason, and me ride on Sam's Pronton Saga 7689, off we go to GreenBox by the time around 3.50 and arrived by 4.15. Yeah, we were late, thanks to me for pointing a false direction for Sam.
TuckLong and Crystal already start singing in the room 42 and the 1st thing I did in GreenBox after recognized the room would be change another T-shirt in the toilet. Haha! Then we started to warm ourselves up. A moment later, Angel who in-charge of taking BoonKiat wandering around before everything sets tagged along with the soon-birthday-boy BoonKiat in and we successfully suprised him. But he comes up with a counter attack by playing lost. We can't find him nor call him thinking that he went to the washroom but eventually not which puts the main organizer-Angel in a misery as what have been observed by me and Wilson. Later then, BoonKiat back into our sight with the reason he went to his car to get his wallet but actually he meant to revenge, he admits it.
Finally, everyone get sitted down and start singing. I'm different from what have been told to Angel that I'm a shy guy because I'm the 1 who always grab the mic. Haha, and she keep asking me "I thought you say you're shy guy?" and I reply "I'm not because I have aura today" Haha. Maybe because I'm with my 'brothers' today, something seems to awakes within me. I SANG A LOT! More correctly... WE SHOUTED A LOT!! Even after 3 hours of singing, we still can make it for Leo Ku's "Golden Hit Songs"(Keng Gor Kam Kuk) part 1 & 2 we did it consercutively, which makes it 22 minutes? We picked lots of song by BackStreetBoys, and all those trendy English & Chinese songs, not forgetting 1 of the our boy's favourite "Kenangan Terindah". Was like a total worn out after 4 hours of jamming in the room. TuckLong & Crystal off to get some take away pizza as dinner for us earlier. Something shocking happened in this very moment but I won't share it here for the respect sake.
After enough singing by 8 something, we all get wrapped up although we still can use the room until 10p.m but we're all worn out to do so. Then, everyone head to Angel's house to have our dinner which already prepared by TuckLong & Crystal. The table with 3 large pizza been swept off in a blink of eye by the hungry us. Take note, this is a birthday celebration so...

birthday cake is a must!

BoonKiat with his pose I asked him to do so. Uh~ I forgot to ask what flavor of the cake is, somehow like yam. After the cake, freestyle... TuckLong off by 10p.m, Sam do some research of those China history related books with ChoonHuat, some flapping the photo albums, some resting themselves on the sofa included me. By 10 something, we call it dismiss for the day. Sam's car fetch those who wants to go home and BoonKiat's car head to Station 1 behind KlangParade with Jagy. BoonKiat, Happy Early Birthday!! =D

2 chicken(s) caught:

Anonymous said...

The most memorable bday celebration i had ever attend ^^

Benjamin said...

indeed memorable and chi kek... i feel so exhausted... XD