Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Some Updates

Did not update my blog for my blog for days. It's not because i spent too much time with my new camera, just my bro has came back recently and he's the one who use the PC most of the time. And he brought a guess home overnight for 2 nights. Nothing really special about it and I would like to complain about how boring it is yesterday. It's a public holiday(WesakDay) and expecting everyone would have plotting something fun for today. How dissapointing, everyone doesn't seems to have the mood to go out. Wilson did ask me out for lunch but I got some housekeeping work to do that time. Later then when I'm free, he can't go out anymore for he need to take care of the house. End up having high tea with JuinGiap and ChoPing at Station 1 Meru.
Manage to took a pic of this superb hardworking waiter there... haha

4 chicken(s) caught:

Anonymous said...

aikss.. paiseh boss.. ytd so sou heng... nx time... nx mth after june 10... haha we go wet!!!
chiong k!!! kau lui!!!

Benjamin said...

paiseh boss, i did not give 100% support when u're free... alright, we'll be waiting untill june 10! soon enuf!!

Anonymous said...

curi curi tangkap my pic r ????y from my back le /???take from fron ma ..more better looking ma ....lol...u really have the potential to be a paparazi le ....i really didnt notice u had snap it tat day....:)

Benjamin said...

they ain't calling me ketua jurugambar kelab seni foto 06/07 for nothing... LOL~