Monday, September 8, 2008

Doom of My FE-320

Having my FE-320 as a heavy duty device on the beach was a bad idea after all. The auto-focus device has lost it's function eversince that day back from TanjongSepat. Maybe it's caused by the hands with sand of those who holding it. I'm not the only one holding it that day. Not forgetting it has been exposed to the blazing sun whole day. So sorry for not taking care of my trusty FE-320 well. Benjamin the dumbass...

Today, I sent it back to the shop where I purchased it with the warranty card. But they have to send it back to their office to repair it before returning it back to me. And she say it'd take around a month for the process. Shit, I can do nothing else but wait then. Which means no photo posting for a month. Nooo...

Talking about things been screwed up, I've really screwed my store up. Even after a week I still can't get my stock match with the system. Have to squeeze my brain harder tomorrow to make it clear. I'll be dominating the whole office tomorrow for my supervisor will be on leave! Haha!

To my FE-320, I swear I'll love you more when you're back to me...

0 chicken(s) caught: