Friday, April 23, 2010

Perhaps . Lost

After the hectic exam week has over(which is more than a week ago), finally can somehow relax myself a bit and started to work on full time. But I have no idea why ever since I start working as a full timer, my working performance was like dropped dramatically. Keep making mistakes and been pinpointed out. I can’t get the previous performance and somehow feel lost while working. So the vision of mine in this 2 weeks would probably be try my best to minimize the mistake I’d cause while working.

Remarkably, my concentration was somehow focused more while having Project-D session. The performances back than was rather more satisfying than previously. Maybe I’ve release all my tensions accumulated from working out while in D-mode. LOL~

And suddenly, I’d really wish to have time to hold the pencil again to express the inner part of me as recently my head has been bombarded with lots of idea. Just I don’t really have the time to bring them out although I’m having a 2 weeks break. I felt like lost and want to get back to that path again… heh~

That’s all for this time craps. Going to bed now… zzzzzzzzz~

0 chicken(s) caught: